Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thrift Store (One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure)

I'm not even about to hold this in anymore but I just want to let people know that 20% of my clothing I buy from the thrift store. I'm okay with saying that and if you have a problem with it, Fly Off! The thrift store is really good place to go to when you're looking for just the right thing. With thrift store clothes you can do whatever you want to it because a typical garment is very inexpensive (costs like $2.98).

Now don't sit up here and front like you've never stepped foot in a thrift store before. I was just in one today and found three pairs of like the perfect shorts I was looking for and some nice shades to start my collection for the summer.

Some of the people that walk around like fashionistas and look like they buy high end clothes design shop in thrift stores because I believe that they give people their own independence when it comes to style.

And yes, like my other clothes, I wash that shit before I wear it. It is "meager dusty handmedowns."

So like I said fuck off if you have something to say. I will still be in that group that's shitting on the rest.

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