Thursday, January 21, 2010

Money $ecret$

Everybody has a way, or at least should have a way to manage their money. I admit that I'm a bad money manager lol. Like, for real I don't know how to budget myself so I just spend my whole check on bull sometimes. That's not a good thing because I will most likely develop this as a long term habit. I might end up broke even though I am making six figures and a psychiatrist ;) (or maybe something else, who knows). I don't know about anybody else, but I don't want to be broke before I even start to make my money. So, while driving to school on this rainy, yet inspiring Thursday morning, I came up with a way I'm going to manage MY money. That's just what it is, MY money. I don't belong to the money and I need to start acting like it. I decided to either get rid of my direct deposit at my job or get rid of my bank account. Going through all the pluses and minuses, I decided to get rid of neither. I can control my money through both. So what I decided to do was to take most of my money OUT of my bank account as cash. Give myself a spending limit on my debit card because I have what I call "Swipe Flu", that's where I just swipe my card just because I know I have money in there. The cash, I'm going to ghetto shoebox that shit like I trap or something. It sounds like it would all make sense to me. I just want to see how this will work. I'm confident that it will come out great. I think I'll still shoebox my shit like 10 years from now lol.

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